Tuesday 12 June 2012

Emptiness of Time

Time is a reflection of the flow of impermanence on macroscopic, microscopic and quantum scales. It is a current directed forward moment by moment. Currently the shortest moment allowed by quantum physics is around 5x10-44 second (the Planck time). Below this level time dissolves into a sea of potentiality currently described scientifically as quantum foam. Without time there is no flow, no direction, to insert the next moment of space and perception. All is frozen and eternal. If time stops nothing happens and everything is frozen but not permanent (time can flow again). Emptiness is permanent but lacks true existence because it is dependent on phenomena (such as space and time) arising.
Time is also a concept created by man to explain the flow of events in his immediate environment. It is a label to describe the changes occurring around him and communicate to others. It represents the flow of impermanence. Only the moment has substance to experience. The past disappears into memory and the future is indeterminate (does not exist) until the moment reaches it. So no time that exists independently can be found. Time defines impermanence (i.e. in a physical material paradigm).  Thus we meditate on the emptiness of impermanence.